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air followed by one importunate young bird. At intervals the old bird fed it both hovering together for an instant in the air, separating almost at once. 
Scarlet Tanagers in juvenile plumage were fairly common in family parties in the oak woods. They were getting insects of various kinds from the dead bunches of leaves.
Field Sparrows were very common in the old orchard. At evening they gathered in small flocks in the apple trees to roost. 
Bluebird - an old nest found in a hole in an apple tree.
[[underlined]] Carolina Chickadee [[/underlined]] small flock. Two came over my head calling to me. 
Tufted Titmouse - heard calling.
Cardinal few.
Goldfinch two
Fish Crow   } seen passing over to
Common Crow } the south in small parties at dusk.
Bluejay, heard calling
Downy Woodpecker heard.
Red-shouldered heard calling & one seen.
Turkey Vulture.
Bobwhite - two calling excitedly in 

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the brush.
Phoebe one bird seen along a dry gully.
Flicker two seen.
Mourning Dove one seen.
Chewink common.
Black & White Warbler one.
Redstart one.
Red-eyed Vireo
Kingbird two.
Crested Flycatcher calling in evening
Chat one seen
Indigo Bunting thru.
Wood Pewee.

Box turtles seen copulating. Female was shut up in her shell and the male was turning her over with his head and crawling over her first on one side & then on the other, and crawling over her.