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under. One of these lizardsI observed "pumped" its body up and down as does [[underline]] Uta + Sceloporus [[/underline]]. They have an extensible dewlap.
  We shot 6 [[underline]] Umas [[/underline]] in these Sand Dunes along the new highway replacing the old Planked Road. Kranzthor got 3 more alive by noosing + digging. A few were observed on the edges of the dark roadbed as the car went along and they were not especially afraid of the car.
  Arriving at Yuma we put up in an auto camp and went out at night to get toads. We had hoped to find [[underline]] B. alvarius, B. cognatus [[/underline]] and possibly [[underline]] B. punctatus [[/underline]], but all we heard was the [[underline]] fowleri [[/underline]] -like call of [[underline]] woodhousii [[/underline]]. We tried a long time to obtain some of these but all apparently were towards the middle of the ponds + we could not approach them. They were abundant [[strikethrough]] near [[/strikethrough]] at any considerable body of water found about Yuma, on both sides of the river.
  In one pond near the R.R. on the Calif. side [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] a single call was repeatedly heard that appeared to be a "turkey-root" call (see Overton, + Noble) of [[underline]] woodhousii [[/underline]]. Another trilled call heard

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behind the R.R. Station at Yuma, [[underline]] Ariz. [[/underline]], might have been another [[underline]] Bufo [[/underline]].
72. Bufo woodhousii   Mexicali, Mexico
73. [[dittos under all line 72 entries]]
74. [[dittos under all line 72 entries]]
75. [[dittos under all line 72 entries]]
76. [[dittos under all line 72 entries]]
77. Uma notata   Sand Hills, Imperial Co., Cal.
78. [[dittos under all line 77 entries]]
79. [[dittos under all line 77 entries]]
80. [[dittos under all line 77 entries]]
81. [[dittos under all line 77 entries]]
82. [[dittos under all line 77 entries]]
83. [[dittos under all line 77 entries]][[insert]](Live) [[/insert]]
84. [[dittos under all line 77 entries]][[insert]](Live) [[/insert]]
(Photo) 85. [[dittos under all line 77 entries]][[insert]](Live) [[/insert]] [[insert]] [[underline]] largest spec. [[/underline]][[/insert]]

[[strikethrough]] April 17, 1929. Wednesday. [[/strikethrough]]

[[underline]] Photos [[/underline]] #11 Sand Hills, habitat of Uma.