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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
2021464L21 000.023 592 59 W0.000 59Dec 28 1921.449
2021465L23 00+45.001 002 00 W+45.002 00Dec 28 1921.491
2021466L1 000.002 011 01 W0.003 01Dec 28 1921.533
2021467L3 00+45.003 020 02 W+45.004 00Dec 28 1921.575
2021468L5 000.004 010 59 E0.005 05Dec 28 1921.618
2021469L7 00+45.005 061 54 E+45.006 08Dec 28 1921x 21469 Too cloudy to continue. .662