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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
14423642L22 00+6022 260 26 W+6000 26120Oct 19 1924Holder turned out to be empty! .205 .390 .595
14423643L2 000.001 120 48 E0.003 20128Oct 19 1924x Note on above. Found AY "Dummy", used to keep Lens protected, missing from Instr. Located in D.R., loaded. .203 .510 .713
14423644L4 00+30.003 210 39 E+30.005 14113Oct 19 1924.595 .798
14423645L6 00+60.005 150 45 E+60.006 57102Oct 19 1924.670 .873