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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1025374L5 00+15.007 212 21 W+15.008 2665Mar 22-23 1927.526
1025375L10 000.008 281 32 E0.011 10162Mar 22-23 1927.613
1025376L12 00+30.011 110 49 E+30.012 1362Mar 22-23 1927x 25376 Too cloudy to continue at present. .691
1025377l14 00+60.014 240 24 W+60.015 4278Mar 22-23 1927.829
1025378L16 00+45.015 430 17 E+45.017 0683Mar 22-23 1927.884