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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
6428617LChart20 000.020 420 42 W0.021 2846Oct 22-23 1930Student clock.
6428618LChart22 00+30.021 290 31 E+30.023 28119Oct 22-23 1930.549
6428619LChart0 00+60.023 290 31 E+60.001 32123Oct 22-23 1930
6428620LChart2 00-20.001 330 27 E-20.003 35122Oct 22-23 1930
6428621LChart4 000.003 360 24 E0.005 29113Oct 22-23 1930
6428622LChart6 00+30.005 300 30 E+30.007 37127Oct 22-23 1930