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do [[ditto for Alcoholic]]

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25 Two galls from Oakland S.F. Bay, with insect in. W.H.Dall.
26. Insects from S.F. & Nicaragua Dall & Bischoff. & Gadwalls egg Mr. Hepburn
27 Humming bird (female) and nest L. Bischoff San Francisco Cala. May
28. Same with two eggs
29. [[strikethrough]] Three [[/strikethrough]] Six humming birds June. two species S.F. Bischoff
30. Smelts. Pft Simpson Lat 54[[degree symbol]] 40' Lon 130 W. Chs. S. Buckley
31 Insects Coleoptera Bischoff vic. San Francisco. June 1
32 Entania elegans? Ken. &c S.F. Vicinity. W.H.Dall. June 1.

Transcription Notes:
Are notations on left-hand page referring to items on right-hand page?