Viewing page 8 of 56

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[[begin page]]
      June 20 
Pease & Ketchum. Alcoholic
Vicinity of San Francisco

H.W. Elliott   Dry
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Tarantula R.K. Dry
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43. Shells, Lymnea Planor-bis & Physa from Clear Lake
44.Coleoptera and other insects near City

45. Bird from Off Cape St. Lucas Pacific .Oc.

46. 7 species, 10 specimens Birds, from San Francisco. June 1 . F. Bischoff. numbered from 78 to 87.

47. Bundle masses from H. Bolander, Cal'an.

48. Box insects from vicinity of Frisco. Tarantula from Nicaragua. F. Bischoff.

49 Lepidoptera from the vicinity of Frisco.
May 15. F.Bischoff

Transcription Notes:
Formatting and fourth line? Also the refernces to "dry" or "alcoholic", etc. on the right page refer to specific item numbers on the left page. Not sure how to relate them to each other.