Viewing page 18 of 56

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[start page]
Pillbox. [ditto for Dry]
[ditto for Pillbox.] [ditto for Dry]
[ditto for Pillbox.] [ditto for Dry]
[ditto for Pillbox.] [ditto for Dry]
[vertical line]

[end page]

[start page]

1 Echinoderm. Sitka All collected by W.H. Dall
[strikethrough] Box no. 6 [/strikethrough]
89. Shells dredged in ten fath. Sandy mud in Sitka harbor Aug 16 by (?inpets&c) W.H.Dall.
90. Vermetus &c ten fath.. Shelly mud. Sitka. Aug 16. 1865. Wm H. Dall.
91. Univalves from ten fath mus. Sitka. W.H.Dall.
92. Bivalves from ten fath shelly mud, Sitka. Dall
93. {Holothunans?, under stones at low water, and worms and a small catfish, all from the same locality & station Sitka. Wm H.Dall.}
94.Landsnails, Sitka. Dall.

[end page]

Transcription Notes:
Unsure of formatting in 93 and of select words.