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Ounga Island [[Wikipedia: Unga Island (Uĝnaasaqax̂[1] in Aleut) is the largest of the Shumagin Islands off the Alaska Peninsula in southwestern Alaska, USA. The island has a land area of 170.73 sq mi (442.188 km²), making it the 35th largest island in the United States. As of the 2000 census, it had a permanent population of one,[2] however the island is now uninhabited.]] 
The island is for the most part mountainous and contains one small volcano not now active. In the northern and western part around the harbor the land is more level and stratified rocks prevail. These are well exposed on the S.W. side of the harbor in cliffs varying in height from 5 to 700 feet (estimated). The following is a section made here. 
[[Image: on the left side of the page is a sketch of a cliff with 8 strata layers numbered. Notes below are entered to the right of the sketch, adjacent to the relevant numbered layer]]
1. Sandstones -- 40 or 50 feet 
2. Blackish conglomerate, 2 bands, altogether about 20 ft
3. Sandstones and shales about 100 feet
4. Conglomerate 6 or 7 feet
5 and 6. about 150 feet of loose and crumbling shales with a little sandstone 150 feet
7. clayey shale with 10 or 12 seams brown coal of 1 foot and less in thickness 10 ft
8. About 300 feet shales and sandstones
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