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[[image one: diagram of mountain divided into layers labeled from top: 
white sds
blue sandst.
blue quartzy slate.]]

[[image two: diagram of mountain range divided lengthwise with labels "gravel" on top and "conglomerate" on bottom. An "x" marks where these two divisions meet at right side of image with annotation: "x reddish granitic rock, fine

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

talcose slate much contorted but conformable. Further down another Indian camp, stop at 4 to get tea, and find shale much altered and with bare remains of vegetable matter covered with white sdstone & covering first blue sandstone & then hard blue quartzy slate. Below this high white sand bluffs. No Mts in distance E Side, not very high on W Sd. About 7.30 P.M. Pass the mouth of the Stageluk pratok which is marked by a low mountain in the distance. A strong head wind and waves quite high in the river. Low yellow gravel banks on W Side. E Side low. Takitsky Mts ended. About 12 N. reach the place where the Russians say is the strongest water on the river and where coal is reported but does not exist. The formation is low banks (40ft) of yellow gravel covering beds of conglomerate without any perceptible construction except an appearance as if they had been thrown up perpendicularly, This 

Transcription Notes:
"Takitsky" previously has been spelled "Takitesky".