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[[images: line diagram of man's profile, a large curved line with radiating rays, and a small circle labeled "Labret"]]

[[image: full figure drawing of a man wearing fur clothing, labeled "Old Styreek" "Anvik"]]

[[images: drawings of details of clothing including two views of boots and fringed band labeled "edge of coat"]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

clay when soft and are baked in the sun & then in the fire, when in the fire are kept turning round and round like a joint of meat when roasting.  They were of a dark brown, blackened by fire & use and pretty regular in shape.  Below Anvick are some rather high hills near the river and low on the other side and then low on both sides with islands and sloughs.  Further on about 3 PM come to an Indian village (Mauki) in a flat between two conglomerate bluffs each about 3 miles long, perpendicular and remarkable for the large size of the fragments included in the general substance of the rock. 
   This village we stopped at and Lekunka bought some furs & a contog for himself.  The natives are Premorska and very squalid & dirty.  Many of them wear the two buttons of bone through the lower lip, like the coast Indians.  Below this the land on both sides is low.  Mts in distance 60 or 70 miles on W Side.  Turn in, sail &

Transcription Notes:
A labret is an object such as a small piece of shell or bone inserted into the lip as an ornament. Contogs are wooden bowls.