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[[image of a geologic formation]]

Big Bend
Slate & sand strata

Whitened slate.
Black slate
Sandy slate

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same. This forms another connecting link between them and the Tchuckchees or asiatic tribes [strikethrough] from which they are undoubtably, emigrants. [strikethrough] Below this village as far as we can see land on both sides low. 
   Take off my shirt and find six large lice on it.  The Indians are full of them and they are racing all over the boat.  Sitting eating & sleeping within three feet of the Indians in this warm weather all hands suffer equally - Chi about one P.M.  Get the head leg & wings of a gull different from the upper ones in being entirely white except the back which is the usual blue gray.  Eyes whity with a pale yellow lid ring, & whity gray pink feet.  The common one has the points of the wings of mottled black and the tail sometimes white & sometimes a little tipping of black.  Get a most curious fly.  The wings are small & it cannot fly but give a kind of