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[line] Thursday July 25th 1867 [line]
Get a good hot bath. Every thing lumbered up & hurried on account of all the Russians being here. Broach my project of staying in the country to Mr Bean and he thinks there will be no trouble in arranging it so that I can draw my pay due, from the Russian Company and supplies partly from our own & partly from their store. Read my letters of which there is a host but it seems that part of my mail home miscarried. 
[line] Friday July 26th [line]
Start in and try to get my boxes arranged & pull every thing over to get at the collection which were sent down last winter. Work over them all day. and turn in very tired. 
[line] Saturday July 27 [line]
Get out the minerals collected in the lower Youkon & label catalogue & put them away this with other bothers takes