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[line] Thursday. Aug. 22 [line]
Everything ready. Give Major Wright 45 mink, ten sable and ten fur sealskins.  Give John Norton ten good mink & 5 sable a muskrat parkie and a model of a bidark.  All hands get ready their baggage and I go aboard with Capt Norton.  Get some bicarb soda, writing paper and my coil of rope.  Stepanoff and all the Russians & Indians come aboard and get a drink & tobacco.  About 3 P.M. the small steamer is taken in tow and I go ashore with Stepanoff and Johnny.  
About 4 she up anchor and stood NE but the wind failing she anchored again about ten miles off.  Go out to pick mushrooms with Stepanoff and he tells me what old Bean did, out of spite against me.  I made him a present of a can of alcohol which he took without asking for it, in the