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_____________Monday Sept 9. 67 ___________________
Morning. Set Johnnie to work making bullets and mould in the course of the day about 400 Stepanoff comes back about noon with 60 geese & ducks. Would have got many more but for the excessive rain. Rains a good part of the day in showers.

_____Tuesday Sept 10______
Anniversary of  any of Zar Alexanders name day. Prasnik. Rains steadily. After dinner draw all my grub & trading goods of [Stepanov.?] Amt. 558.69 Rubles ($111,92) including flour, tea, sugar & trading goods. All hands drinking pretty freely as it is a great holiday. After lunch go into the [casarme?] where they oblige me to drink a bowl fullof vodka raw spirit and then toss me up in approbation. Avoid drinking any more by circulating the bottle freely among the Russians, when I escape & go down on the beach & walk in the
cool air. Get back & turn in.