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[line] Friday Oct. 25. 1867 [line]
The whole shore where not too exposed is lined with thick ice about 300 yards in width + very rough. I at once get my things together + make up three packs, my own about 40 lbs, and bundle up the rest of the things + leave them in charge of Asiguk who will stay + hunt deer; give him too some powder + balls. Start to walk to the Redoubt, 35 miles. as the canal is doubtless frozen we can get across 
Start about 8 A M + walk over very bad hillocky country full of holes. get into one and hurt my knee badly. Push on however to  Mishkas [barrabora?] about 7 miles by sea + about 15 by land + canal from the Redoubt which is in plain sight plenty of ice + a tremendous cold Northwester all day