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PageListSectionItem #Part #NomenStowLocUnit WtQTY/SCChange DateChange Reason
1A1*B0107.00A6L-400000-15GARMENT, LIQUID COOLINGU1 (IN POLYETHELENE BAGS)4.60202-09-1971WT. CHG FROM *7.0
1A1*C0100.0014-0122ITEMS, FOOD AND HYGIENEB131.60102-09-1971WT. CHG FROM *30.8
1A1*C0101.0014-0123PACKAGE, FOODL334.30102-09-1971WT. CHG FROM *40.0
1A1*E0105.0075101-126-04EAR TUBE, UNIVERSALICGNEG.202-09-1971QTY CHG FROM 1 CCBD OR019 APV 1-28-71
1A1*E0105.0174925-107-03EAR TUBE, UNIVERSAL***DELETED ITEMNEG.102-09-1971ITEM DELETED CCBD 1R019 APV 1-28-71

Transcription Notes:
Reviewer 1 notes: To follow instructions and guidelines, I changed/corrected transcriber's entries on (1) Item # column entries to include asterisk, (2) Change Date entries to mm-dd-yyyy format, (3) some Change Reason entries to exactly match those on original list.