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the sleds.  Popoff has sent two dogs all he had, Stepanoff contrary to his promise having taken the rest.  I will pay him for his kindness bye & bye.  They have brought all the goods but one bag of oil left at Ulukuk.  There are six bundles of ukali left at Unalakleet.  They have four Mahlemut dogs, and 13 of mine.  Slept twice on the [[parrenose?]].  Took 260 ukali from Unalakleet.   Isaac, God bless him sent two dogs.  He is an A No.1. Indian.  Found the little axe.  Ingechuk abandoned his hosaker at Woolly satux.  All the Indians are sick with colds pleurisy &c.  It is a bad year.  All the Indians are going to an egrushka at Takitesky given by Tekunka.  Ivan Tyore is at [Coltoy?].  The Indians are killing deer on the [[parrenose?]].  
They have brought the barometer but it is broken and useless.