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in swaddling bands
Of wilful blindness, strive to keep it warm,
Encased in ignorance or bound with creeds,
Be mine the task to search from Truth to Law
Effect to cause and hence again to Law
And from the Laws of Nature and of God
Read deeper lessons of his wealth of love
For every being in the Universe.
And base a stouter faith and firmer trust
On knowledge gained from study of His works
Than ever bigot drew from rigid creed.
Or faint heart found in timid ignorance!
Dec 26.1867.

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[[line]] Sunday Dec.22.1867 [[line]]
Start rather late with 8 dogs all the Indians are going home. Reach [[Iearny's?]] barrabora about 2 P.M. Buy a lot of fish & ukali; as much as we can carry - some berries, a mat & a norka.
Push on some five miles further & make a good camp. Give the dogs a big feed & take a good feed myself
[[line]] Monday Dec, 23.67 [[line]]
Start with the first light and push on by a very bad crooked road. Many reindeer, otter and fox tracks. See a large beaver house. After twelve leave Kurill & the sled & push on snow shoes with Lotsa to the Youkon. Feet very sore & boots give out. Stop & cut the blisters & reach Nulato at dusk say four oclock. Yagor has some grub ready & tea & the house is moderately warm. The shelf in the house