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fell down + broke all our slender store of crockery but 1 cup. I find too to my great sorrow that somewhere on the road I have lost my meershaum pipe leaving me with only one wooden pipe that holds a peck or thereabouts. Such is life. Kurill arrives about two hours after me + we put the stuff in the store + turn in early very tired having walked over 30 miles on snow shoes today.
[line] Tuesday Dec 24 [line]
Morning make flapjacks + bread Fix up things in the magazine Make a seive. Sew up one plate, not badly broken, by boring holes with a small awl and then tying strongly with thread. Make soup out of some young whitefish I bought for the dogs feed at Takitesky. There is nothing to eat here somehow, no fish, rabbits or grouse + every body sick, a very bad year.