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[line] Monday, Jan 13. 1868 [line]
-18°. A little colder. Kurill splitting trees all day for the fish trap. Put away some birds. Johnny brings in two partridges. Day after tomorrow will probably commence to set the fishtrap. Evening, mend the old morda. Peetka goes off to Zagorshas trap without saying a word to me for which I give him a good scolding.
[line] Tuesday Jan 14. 1868 [line]
Kurill & Peetka bringing wood + water, as they will be away all day tomorrow. I am not at all satisfied in regard to my health. Headaches, light fever, slight eruptions and a painfull swelling of some of the lymphatic glands lay me up every few days. I do not know what the reason is. I must manage to get to the Redoubt & back in March, and down the river in time for the birds. My collections once over & safe, I am careless as to what may follow. Ivan tieing resitka all day.