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[line] Thursday, Jan.28.68 [line]
No bath today, I dont know why. Send Johnnie out to set snares as starvation is staring us in the face. Rain & south wind. Morning 22° Evening 32°. Get a squirrel + Kuril goes out & shoots a rabbit.
[line] Friday ,Jan 24.68 [line]
12 fish in the trap, comprising salmon trout, losh, sucker, and two kinds of white fish. Soon I hope there will be plenty of fish. The trap has done very well so far. +28 a very heavy snowstorm. Get a bath, write to father in evening. Feel rather better than I have done. 
[line] Saturday Jan 25. 68 [line]
Johnny & Kurill go out & bring back two partridges, a rabbit and some small birds. +30, Rains a little; about nine feet of snow so far. Skin a partridge.
[line] Sunday Jan 26 [line]
+36. Rain all day. 8 fish only in the trap. Kurill & Johnny go off after rabbits bring back two, and three partridges. Skin three birds. Vile weather entirely different from last year