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[line] -5 Monday Feb 10 1868 [line]
Morning 14 fish in the trap. The Russians are setting a new trap near mine. A lot of Indians from Koyukuk come in. Tie up three pair snow shoes. Dry [sukarce?] in the peechka for the road. Get Yagorsha to take charge of my fish trap while I am away. Tekunka came over from Takaitsky last night. 
[line] -7 Tuesday Feb 11 [line]
Kurill + Johnny go after wood. Boil fox bones to clean them. Make bread. Feel worse today. Get parki sewed. Cameroff will be here tomorrow and the day after we must start for the Redoubt. 
[line] -3 Wednesday Feb 12 [line]
Cameroff + Lukeen arrive. Will leave day after tomorrow. I shall probably go with them. Paspilkoff has finished the sled and after a raw with old Ivan by one I succeed in securing Peetka for the trip. 18 fish in the trap. Pack specimens + empty can to take to Redoubt