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Reach Unalakleet about 3 PM. The last part of the road very bad. Drink tea + go out into the village with Matushka and after some trouble succeed in getting an indian sled to go to the Redoubt as our sleds are quite unfit for that road see all gone + we shall have to go by the land route which I cursed so last autumn. Get some boots of Ostraskoi.
[line] Wednesday Feb 19 [line]
Rise late. Get 17 [?] of sugar 2 bread and 15 norka of Ostrascoi. Buy two legs of deer meat + some renne. Make a whip. Tie up the sled. Sell the bag of oil now at Ulukuk to little Sidorka for 10 sables to be delivered in the spring. Get my blanket sewed. Pitch into berries freely. Feel better than for some time.
[line] Thursday Feb 20 [line]
Morning late, start from Unalakleet + pass over a very bad road mostly tundra and by the beach to Topanica. Ivan +