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a Mahlemut Indian at Unalakleet.  Run my old rifle balls into bars to make shot.  Get a lot of goods from the store today as tomorrow, the papers go by Lotsa to the Redoubt.  Buy 6 loaves of bread from Paspilkoff.  The flour I got from the Redoubt is literally half straw & husks.  It makes bread as black as a hat and quite impossible to raise unless sifted which diminishes it fully one half.

Friday Mar 20
Bath today.  Make bread.  Pound out lead for shot.  Beautiful weather & quite warm.  Days are getting long.  Find a good deal of comfort & interest in a file of Chr. Inquirers & [[?Seb. Christians]] sent last fall by Capt Noyes.

Saturday Mar 21
Only ten fish in trap.  Put down a new morda last time.  Beat out lead all day.  Peetka & all the other Indians staying here left yesterday on a hunting excursion after rabbits.