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Friday Mar. 27. 68
Make shot all day.  Kurill saws wood & rolls out shot.  Have my shot which I have finished, weighed & find I have 25 lbs.  Must make 50 lbs to go down the river with & ten to use here.

Saturday Mar 28
Pull lead all day.  Draw out about 15 lbs.  20 fish in trap.  Squirtsoff & another Indian come from Takaitski.  Johnny makes balls in the afternoon.  He is an ungrateful young rascal & & has never thanked me for anything I have done for or given him.  He doesn't like to work & I shall not greatly regret it when he is safely en route for Ft Youkon.

Sunday Mar 29
Make shot all day.  Kurill cuts wood & goes out shooting.  Beautiful warm clear weather.