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Sunday April 12
Buy a small owl. Catalogue specimens to date + label them. 10 fish in the trap, one morda having come untied by accident- Kurill makes a pie of meat  + rice after the Russian fashion which turns out very well. Evening. Some Indians who left the fort + camped a half mile or more up the river, come back after the fort gate is closed and say that they hear a sound of cutting trees further up the river, as of a large number of men, and beg to be let in, as they are afraid the Hotelkagut Indians have come down to fight the Russians + Koyoukuns. The Russians and all hands know of the threats made last autumn + winter by the Hotelkagutsky and naturally feel a little uneasy. I think it will amount to nothing but these occasional scares only call to mind the fact, usually ignored that we are like men standing over a powder mine, only a match is needed to scatter us like dead leaves