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are the true Mahlemuts and the westerly ones are the Kaviiaks near the straits Asyogenut & finally Okeeogemut.
[[line]] Sunday Aug 2 [[line]]
Make out my bill for Bergham amounting to 30 dollars which is promptly paid by Andreas. 
Get my boots mended & pack up a lot of traps. Capt Smith will leave in a day or two for Unalakleet & thence to sea. Dress Burghams hand & face which are doing very well. Get a loaf from Paspilkoff. Read part of the morning as I have got through most of my work. Send Capt. S. a dollar. 
[[line]] Monday Aug 3 [[line]]
Storms hard in the morning. Bergham wants to go down in the Steele, but I hope Capt. Smith will not take him. Read nearly all day. Take supper with Andreas. See to Bergham. Knock down a few boxes to get boards for a trunk and send them aboard 
Evening Capt Smith comes ashore

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[[line]] Friday May 8 [[line]]
At night Paspilkoff, Chabounin and Temoshka leave for Koyoukuk to shoot geese if there are any there, as there are few or none here. Still no Kurill. Take a bath. Paspilkoff & Yagor are making iron bolts for the raft. Offer to exchange a crowbar for two piesnees to leave with Kurill but Ivan is in one of his cross grained fits and dont want to do it. 
[[line]] Saturday May 9 [[line]]
Early in the morning Kurill arrives with five haunches and two deer hearts, 9 geese and a duck, beside a pair each of martens & mink. 
Johnnie shoots two fishhawks. Buy a small & rare gull in good condition from an Indian. Buy a black bears skull from an Indian. The bear was killed three days since near the Snowman mountain. Johnnie kills a duck. Send a shoulder of venison in to Ivan.