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[[line]] Friday July 31, 1868 [[line]]
The Shelikoff sends a boat ashore for water and leaves finally about 12 oclock.  Pack a lot of boxes make a box for road collections, take some boxes down to Beans store.  Isaac & another bidarra from beyond [[Sund?]] Golovin arrive today.  Chabounin leaves with Sergie in the afternoon for Unalakleet.

[[line]] Saturday Aug 1, '68 [[line]]
Morning.  Get up late.  Go down & take a smoke with Bean.  Go into dinner with Andreas have frijoles and plain duff.  Write out bills of lading of my freight for Capt. Smith.  Mr Hill comes in for a little while.  Go down to Capt Smith's tent for a little while in the P.M.  The Indians get a good many eggs on Besborough Island with lines.  They dont go after eggs when a near relative is dead as they say the earth is soft & they will fall.  The Unalakleet & a few of the Shaklolik indians are called Oonalit.  The Kotzebue sound & Norton Bay

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[[line]] Sunday May 10 [[line]]
Get a few small birds.  Kurill goes over to the island and does not succeed in shooting anything.  Yagorsha caulks my canoe and tomorrow will pitch it so that it will be watertight.  Sell a sable to the Russians for a comb, worth at home two cents.  Skin a few birds.

[[line]] Monday May 11 [[line]]
Kurill starts off to the island below the fish trap to look for geese.  Clean out the stove thoroughly.  Yagorsha  pitches the canoe.  One swallow arrives.  Get some mink skins dressed.  Go down to the Nulato River fishing but catch nothing.  Kurill comes back having seen no geese.  Johnnie kills a robin today.

[[line]] Tuesday May 12 [[line]]
Saw wood.  Make bread.  Look over the rocks for fossils but find none.  Fix the wind flag & pulley of the bidarra mast