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Riddell & Adams.  The Captain won't pay off Beans men & they are going to leave tomorrow.  Ananyan goes to Kuttik, Andre-acher to Nulato with Temaska & Yagorsha.  Kogenikoff to Nulato & back and Tillnoff & Romanoff are not yet settled but Milavanoff goes up.

Monday July 20
Morning, look over my goods & work a little.  Go aboard the schooner & dress Burghams face & hands.  Go over to the Constantine & fix up some medicine for one of the men.  Take dinner with the mate and go ashore with Capt. Riddell & Adams.  A little while after move all my things up into the room Bean has in the fort and sell my tent to Bean for 8.00.  Load up the boat, as one will start tomorrow.  Get my reindeer skins down into the passage as they are going to count over the company's skins and may mix mine up with them.

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ried away.  Secure it, and hasten across.  Look back & see the ice piled up over the beach against the rock at least twelve feet high, where I had been walking ten minutes back.  Make haste to the fort meeting an Indian who came to look for me fearing I was lost in the ice.  Water rises at least three feet in an hour, and the Russian raft is afloat.  A few more days will take me away, if the Indians arrive.  Pack powder & make covers for boxes in P.M.  Boil all my sugar into hard cakes more convenient than the fine sugar for the road.  Put leather round the oars to prevent their wearing out.  Get a knife sheath made.  Ice is leaving now in good earnest, rain and snow in the afternoon will swell the water which promises to be very high