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Saturday July 18.
Go off to the schooner in the A.M. & see Bergham who is getting along better.  Come back & get my moose skins & see the Russian goods out of the magazine, only mine remaining there.  Work a little over my boxes.  The young Captain; whom I gave a couple of beaver to, last night, brings me a few specimens from Ounalashka.  Rains terribly all day.  Spent part of the afternoon with Adams who is very mad because Bean has bought the Barkas & wont give it up.  He gets all the old R.A. Cos goods for 150.00

Sunday July 19.
Go off to the schooner & see Burgham who is getting better.  He offers me a free passage to San Francisco if I will go down with him, but I would not if he paid me any amount.  they are a very queer lot aboard the schooner.  He confesses to having attempted to commit suicide.  Come back & get my fox skin blanket finished.  Go aboard the Constantine to dinner with Captain

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Bath today for the last time
Friday, May. 29th
Work all day packing for the trip nail up and make water proof a box of specimens, the number now amounting to about 1480, of which some 400 are birds, mammals, or fish.  Get Yagorsha to pitch my canoe again.  Pay Fallovilno for various items of work, also Anna, Sikorkas wife.  Ice leaving all day.  Get things pretty nearly straight for leaving.  Make a frying pan handle and a chynik top.

Saturday May 30th
Work all day packing up things, and at night get everything together so that I can start at an hours notice.  Get all the Russian stoves out of the storehouse so that it contains only my own goods.  When I leave I shall put a padlock on the door and I do not think the Indians will trouble it.  If any Americans come there are many things that will be of use