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Thursday July 9, 1868
Work over alcoholic collections and pack them all into a ten gallon keg.  Put the poisoned alcohol into two small kegs, about 15 galls in all.  Get my washing & pay for it.  Pack up my books & parkies.  Begin to get a little order out of the chaos.  Mike buys the Nulato bidarra.  Don't see Stepanoff today.  Make an arrangement to visit the vessel in the bay tomorrow.

Friday July 10, 1868
Morning get down my boxes and get Ikkechuk to paste cloth over the cracks.  Bye & bye I will tar them & then have sealskin covers sewed on.  The Nulato bidarra turns out to be rotten & they take it ashore.  Go & buy 4 large sealskins to make a new cover, and afterward 6 more which is enough.  Get a promise from Stepanoff when the boat goes I can board with him.  Go to the Schr. Thos Woodward in the P.M.

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Sunday, June 7th 1868
Start reasonably early.  Kurill has got the mumps and is in considerable pain.  Same d-d wind, and occasionally a smart shower of rain.  Chi peet about noon.  Kill one goose & lose another.  Stop to rest at a small river and conclude to wait there till evening when it may calm down a little.  Pass Clantilinten today.  Kill another goose & 3 ducks.  About sunset push out again it being somewhat more quiet and succeed in reaching Bare Point where we camp at a small riverlet.

Monday June 8. 68
Push on and about noon as we are nearing Anvik see Indians on the bank.  One of them gives me a scrawl which I recognise as Isaac's.  A little further on meet him and about 30 other Mahlemuts, who are going to scour the Youkon & [[?Chabeeluk]] for furs.  Chipeet at Anvik.  Buy some [[?contogs]], 2 martens, some fresh fish &c.  Push on against the untiring head wind with Isaac as a passenger & camp on a small islet.  The Mahlemuts go on the other side