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by being drunk all the time;  has gone home.  Don't bring any letters or papers.

Monday June 29, 1868
Kurilla arrives late at night, with Felezhik.  In the morning buy 21 lovtak from the latter, must have my boxes covered.  Get Ikke from the village to work at them.  Borrow 6 dollars from Bean and receive 5 from Mike for my beads.  Paste cloth over the cracks in one box and start on my catalogue.  Get some rare eggs from Matson.  Work over some bird skins &c.  See Stepanoff who gives me the use of a room to fix up my boxes.  He is very drunken.

Tuesday June 30, 68
Work over specimens, eggs &c. label & pack a good many.  Can't get my goods out of the store, Stepanoff is too drunk to understand anything.  The Russians say that Stepanoff in the spring took all the spirit out of the boxes which I left in the magazine, and that there is none left.  I have a lot in a barrel poisoned, that he didn't take;  I wish he had.  There is enough left for my specimens however, and that is about all.  Will go into the store tomorrow - if not too drunk

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ing wrong;  and subsequent events proved I was right.  Chi peet.  Stop at two small islands and unearth a lot of ducks eggs & shoot a goose.  About 6 P.M. our guide brings us to the mouth of the [[underline]] Uphoon [[\underline]] instead of the Kusilvak.  After some time manage to find out, that he doesn't know where the Kusilvak is & has been under the impression that we wanted to go to Kutleet.  To go back, would involve a great deal of time (now very precious) and hard work against wind and current, and I have only an unreliable chart as a guide.  I therefore pay him and let him go.  It is a great disappointment to me.  I wanted to see that part of the country, and the [[?Einper]] or goose which abounds there and was my special desideratum is very rarely found at Pastolic and I fear I may not get it at all.  I might have got rid of my extra guns there too - as mink are very plenty there.  All from want of an