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when the wind turns around ahead & then sinks into a dead calm.  Row to Point Romanof - where there are Indians who give us the startling news that two American vessels have been for some time at the Redoubt, that they have already put up a house - and that there are women & Russians with them.  Get into Goldsens bidark, putting the boy into my bidarra and taking Sidorka in his place.  Felezhiks bidarra has not arrived and we leave my bidarra to follow at leisure while we make all haste for the Redoubt.  Touch at Ikniktalik and push on; chipeet at the mouth of the crooked canal.  Leave the bidarras far behind.  Kurill and Telezhik camp at the Ikniktalik river, while we push on all night, for the Redoubt.

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Monday June 22, 68
Skin a few birds.  Have the bath house heated & all hands take a bath & change clothes, very much needed bye the bye.  Send all the men out hunting in the afternoon.  If the weather is fair and I get through my work may leave for Pastolik tomorrow.  The Indians come back with a good lot of birds but that careless rascal Munday has lost the hammer & screw of my best gun.  It is extremely aggravating but what can I do?

Tuesday June 23
In the night Felezhik arrives from the Chageluk.  He only drinks tea and then pushes on to Pastolic.  Milavanoff is gone, probably to the Kusilvac, to salt fish, as he has seen nothing of him.  Bought about a 1000 skins.  He will wait at Pastolic a few days to buy eggs &c and await Milavanoff.  Skin 8 birds, label & pack them, & pack up all our duds and about noon start for Pastolic with no wind, arrived and a head wind starts up immediately