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For the same nom in lower parts mixed with a [[Nematodys?]] sp which [[strikethrough]] platt [[/strikethrough]] doesn't grow up the hill-- Leaf small, narrow very thin & delicate.  They to not roll up easyly when culms are cut--
Culms up to 14 cm +/-; but  most of them very thin.  1/2 cm in diam and very small--
FAA= 3 nals
2 large wide rough with buds & stages and culm [[fixed?]].
 1 (50cc) with leaves.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

3 small clums colected
for [[authinetion?]] -
W & B- roll 13- (+/- from 15 to end - and roll 14-beginning to 4

[[underlined]]Color [[/underlined]]: Ektachrome:
roll [[encircled]] 15 [[/encircled]] from 1- to end.
last 6-8 pictures with wide angle-
Beautiful forest--