This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.
[[image- lines running diagonally across page with increments marked and non-sequential numbers]] [[left line]] 2 2 2 2 2 1.5 [[base?]] [[middle line]] 14 22 34 42 *53 56 [[hoya?]] 58 54 64 75 79 78 75 77 70 63 [[arrow pointing downward]] [[right line]] 57 58 [[arrow pointing upward]] 54 46 * + - 050 m [[gincho?]] =11.72in [[page end]] [[page start]] same alt. or lower than M. Ternato [[Cover?]] +/- large [[clums?]]. (in cut tree near edge of forest - culm up to 2.5 cm in diam, thicker walls, darker green motled or mostly wine color, sulfurous and cover by a white wax? or powder. Node very thick, prominent ridge almost black, like leather. Thick branches cover by short [[colored?]] and very pubesent growth at the base.
Transcription Notes:
It is possible the line drawings represent plants with measurements between nodes.
I think that "clum" is a misspelled "culm." - PJG