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leaning over other vegetation.  Culm [[decid?]] [[retriscabrous?]] in about cm in diameter.
Culms sheath very [[tied?]], scabrous with blade [[manor?]] [[aucinate?]] erect. almost without transition.
Node thick, from next zone with 2 ridges, like a lethery band, very dark almost black [[strikethrough]] A membranous extention of base of sheath extends downwards covering the buds.
It brakes, [[strikethrough]] [[?]]
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[[strikethrough]] [[?]] en el centro. Then the tip of buds push that part away.
Bud complement of 5 - [[sever?]] in an [[strikethrough]] arc around a central one.
Those developed first or
Are they really all with independent prophyullum? After the opening of that "capsule" brakes they look like Meretachy.
Branch ending in large-medium leaf complement with a thick, black node near base, as an arti-culation. 
Plant look [[now?]]