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full developed and mature with all culms woody and strong at base
Branches with leaves develop in oposite direction from apex of culm
Articulation of axis, (branch) of leaf - complement very noticeable, [[lantic?]] leather type of tissue, dark.
Sometimes [[?]] that node or small branch with leaves develops
Tall bamboo can
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reach +/- 18 m.
diameter +/- [[strikethrough]] 1-1.75
[[?]] 2 in larger
FAA: 2 vials, buds & leaves
Photo B&W. roll 25
[[parts?]] 25+/- of last part of roll 24?
Color Ektoch. roll 25 [[& 26?]] [[parts?]] 
1 to 18 - [[strikethrough]] - (part also of roll [[25 strikethrough]]? 24, (33 & 34 [[Retsepia?]] with [[Liselsor?]]! - 35 to 37.)