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[[underline]] Roll # 17 B & W [[/underline]]
2-7 paisaje de la lodere [[pedryore?]] [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] [[sufito?]] le sierra Meretachys (Fogende Macedonia)
+/- 7 to [[strikethrough]] 15 at bud complement & young branch complement of M. ternete -
 15 to end. 3 [[degrees]] Meretachy (thick branches-
[[underline]] Roll 16 [[/underline]] Ektach
 1 - to 20 + - M. ternete
(en de [[diam?]], Ap. 5 y 6
(in between paisaje del camino con lodere de le serra de Meretachy
Then bud complement &

Transcription Notes:
Good luck reviewing this. I had an extremely hard time transcribing quite a few of the words...tread carefully.