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[[circled]] 3 [[/circled]]

nucleus briefly joined by single Andean Sparrow and single [[underlined]] gloriosa [[/underlined]].

September 22, 1962
Road to La Azulita

See today's notes on & [[underlined]] Chlorospingus [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] Altapetes [[/underlined]]

I am now sure that the WM Atlapetes is not associated with mixed flocks nearly as frequently as is the PL Atlapetes.

I think the local BCBT's are [[underlined]] neither [[/underlined]] passive nuclear nor gregarious among themselves.

September 24, 1962
Paramo La Negra

See today's notes on Mixed Diglossini[[good guess??]]!

Two aspects of the mixed flocks here seem to be most significant:

(1) Mixed flocks are common here (in spite of the fact this seems to be the height of the breeding season).  This would suggest that the environment here is "impoverished" in much the same way as Central America (if this is not actually part of the Central American region).

(2) Certain species which show specialized inter-specific reactions facilitating the formation of mixed flocks do not seem to do so here ([[underlined]] i.e. [[/underlined]] the BCBT, the BT?).  Certain species which do not show any signs of inter-specific gregariousness near Quito do

Transcription Notes:
believe guess of diglossini is correct.