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or both of the BYB's.
     BCBT silent or, at least, very quiet. Up toward front of flock.
     All other species silent or utter only "CN"s.
     [[underlined]]Myioborus[[/underlined]] appears to be following tanagers. Other warblers certainly following group as a whole.
[[margin note in red]]
[[/margin note]]
     1 Cy f [[arrow pointing right]] [[underlined]]Myioborus[[/underlined]].
[[margin note in red]]
[[/margin note]]
     Cy feeds in low shrubbery (under trees). Both on flowers and insects. All other members of flock feed both in trees and scrub (with probable exception of the [[underlined]]A. rufinucha[[/underlined]], which may have remained low.)
     When flock was first seen, it was moving uphill. Then turned and went down hill, retracing its previous course.

October 24, 1962
Mts above Botoga

     Nothing in same area yesterday.
     PR Atlapetes do occur here. Very noisy at dawn (See today's notes on genus). Starting to move around 6:15am. (approx). Uttering lots of warbling "greeting" patterns. Definitely followed by single foliage gleaner - like Furnariid. Occasionally associated with N. American warblers. But that is all!
     [[underlined]]B. nigrocristatus[[/underlined]] in area certainly do not associate with PR's. But they did once become particularly vocal when PR's were very noisy.