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th mixed flocks in the Agua Bonita region have been moderately noisy, it is possible that their songs and calls have been provoked by my presence.

The mixed flocks seen near Agua Bonita today were scattered thru moderately high shrubbery and low trees. Individual birds ranging 5 to 25 ft above ground. Yellow-faced Redstarts went the highest of all.

October 27, 1962
Mt. above Bogota
Absolutely no trace of real mixed flocks here today. (See also today's notes on Diglossini) In spite of the fact that there were lots of [[underline]] B. nigrocristatus, [[/underline]] Firebellies, and Diglossines around. Due to absence of [[underline]] Atlapetes pallidinucha [[/underline]] (as well as "bush-tanagers"??? Or simply due to the fact that this area is "optimal" for the local species??? (The diglossines, at least, [[in margin in red "Gen"]] were more common here than anywhere else in the region -- with the possible exception of the Lof area above Guasca.

October 28, 1962
La Aguadita
Ca. 6:20 am. Mixed flocks in trees along edge of road. Fields on either side. Quite a lot of birds, including 1 [[underline]] Cyanocephala,[[/underline]] 1 Summer Tanager, various N. American warblers, several Tangaras (unidentified), others. Flock as a whole quiet. Only a few "CN"s. Birds