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[[circled]] 26 [[/circled]]
November 3, 1962
Western Andes

6:00 a.m. 8400 ft. Arrive here in pouring rain storm. Almost impossible to work. But see a pair of Blue & Blacks in small tree & tangle of vines on edge of wet montane forest
Finally give up waiting, and start to go up hill. Long trip. Rain continues -- heavy. Do not get all the way up, but reach region where forest starts to give way to lower but very dense scrub ([[underline]]not[[/underline]] real Paramo). Probably at least 9200 ft possibly more. Then down again. Returning to car at 9:00 a.m. During this whole trip; observational conditions were abominable; but I did notice the following groups, near the upper edge of the real forest:
I. A group composed of at least one tanager which appeared to be a subspecies of [[[[underline]]Iridisomus rufivertex[[/underline]] (orange spot on crown, grayish black above -- presumably blue affected by rain, and [[underline]]extensively[[/underline]] rufous below); two Yellow-faced Redstarts; one Yellow-belly; several furnariids; possibly others. Furnariids f. [[image- arrow pointing right]] "rufivertex". This flock was quite noisy. Several bursts of Atlapetes-like warbling phrases. 
II A group of two or three Atlapetes-like birds. [[underline]]Possibly[[/underline]] PL's. Quiet. Nothing more than CN's. In bushes & small trees
III A group of at least one [[underline]]cyanocephala?[[/underline]], at least one Yellow-belly; one or two BYB's; flycatchers; possibly others.  The BYB(s) may have left the flock without being followed by the

Transcription Notes:
I am not a ornithologist or biologist so I had to guess on/look up some of the scientific names for the birds described. they are probably spelled wrong.