Viewing page 32 of 252

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[[upper right circled]] 32 [[/upper right circled]]

[foll]owers, at least most of the time; but often (or usually?) quite near the front. Also frequently making sallies to side. Quiet. Both high in trees and low in scrub.

[[In red in margin]] Sitti [[/In red in margin]]
Also one pair of Sittis.  Definitely followers. Toward middle or rear. Quiet. Both high in trees and  low in scrub.

[[In red in margin]] WCC [[/In red in margin]]
One ♀ White-capped Conebill ("WCC"). Probably also one ♂ (at least I caught one brief glimpse of what appeared to be a small blackish diglossine). Like Settis Toward middle or rear of flock. Quiet. Both high in trees and low in scrub.

[[In red in margin]] Sitti WCC [[/In red in margin]]
The Sittis appeared to follow the ♀ WCC particularly closely for some seconds or minutes.

[[In red in margin]] WCC [[/In red in margin]]
(This is an unusually high altitude for WCC's. But the identification of the ♀ was clear.  Perhaps the WCC(s) followed the flock up from lower Altitudes????)

One pair of Yellow-bellies. Definitely followers. Toward rear and (sometimes) outskirts. Quiet. In trees.

One or two [[underlined]] chloromis [[/underlined]]!! Definitely followers. Toward middle or rear. Quiet. Both high in trees and low in scrub.

At least one [[underlined]] Cnemoscopus rubrirostris [[/underlined]]. Quiet. Both high in trees and low in scrub. Near front. Possibly leader(s) ???????

Also one or more "warblers" which looked like [[underlined]] Basileuterus luteoviridis [[/underlined]] but with stripe above eye white. Usually low in scrub. Quiet. Probably a follower ????

As far as I could tell, all the 9-primaried songbirds listed above were feeding on and/or looking for insects.

The flock as a [[underlined]] whole [[/underlined]] was rather noisy.  Mostly "CN"s, but

Transcription Notes:
first word started on previous page.