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[[Written in the margin, in purple: I HO]] Well! Well! 8:25 am 8260 ft. 2550 m. See mixed flock. Going rapidly down hill. Thru strip of wood. The individuals I saw extended from the edge of the wood into the center, at least 30 ft inside. Flock quite [[underline]] large [[/underline]]. Probably included at least 20 birds. But I only identified a few of them. [[margin, in green]] 1 2 4 20 [[/margin]]
1 [[green checkmark]] Red Woodpecker, 1 [[underline]] Thraupis cyanocephala [[/underline]], 1 [[green check mark]] [[underline]] Compsocoma flavinucha [[/underline]] (BYB), 2 [[two green check marks]] Whitestarts (looked like [[underlined]] melanocephalus [[/underlined]] from a distance - but I didn't get [[sixteen green check marks]] an awfully good view of them - certainly [[double underline]] not [[/double underline]] Slate-throats) Probably also some Hemispingus - Chlorospingus types which I didn't see well enough to identify. All individuals seen ranged in trees 15 - 40 ft above ground. All quiet, except Whitestarts, which gave a few snatches Laf-like Song. Red Woodpecker follows [[arrow pointing right]] group. BYB j [[arrow pointing right]] Whitestarts. Whitestarts were flitting about very actively. [[underline]] Usually at or near front group. [[/underline]] But at least once Whitestarts f [[arrow pointing right]] group.

Rain 8:40 am
There [[underline]] may [[/underline]] have been one thrush at the end of this flock. Apparently Sooty. It suddenly appeared, after the rest of the flock had disappeared. Moving in the same direction that flock had gone. 

Rain changes into fog. Then fog lifts, more or less, 9:05 a.m.
9:10. 8350 ft. See single Sooty Thrush alone.
9:20 8450 ft. See single Sooty Thrush. Possibly same individual as above. Near a single thrush-like bird which may be an Agriornis [[red check mark]] [[margin, in red]] 7 [[/margin]]
Also several small unidentifiable warbler types [[two red check marks]]. The thrush and the Agriornis type fly off in different directions. Apparently the the warbler types do not follow

9:28. Hear a Dubusia in the neighborhood.
9:32. Come across single Agriornis type. Definitely same indivi