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[[circle]] 3 [[/circle]]

dual as before. And definitely alone now.

Fog back in again. Starting down hill 9:43 am.

There are quite a lot of red tubular flowers here, around 8300-8450 ft. But apparently only 1 species. And I have yet to see anything feeding on them. Too high to see if they have holes or not.

Everything seems to be keeping under cover now that the fog is thick 9:51.

See a pair of Sooty Thrushes alone

Keep on going down hill, until 10:30 am. Come to a rather isolated patch of forest. Approximately level with the Finca. 
[[in margin in purple: "II HO"]]
It is now raining hard. And come across [[underline]] the most surprising mixed 
[[in margin in green]] 24 [[/green]] flock. [[/underline]] Includes at least [[four green check marks]] 4 (possibly 6) Slate-throated Whitestarts [[in margin in green]] 28 [[/margin]] (!), [[2 green check marks]] 2 Sooty Thrushes (!), [[1 green check mark]] 1 BYB, and [[1 green check mark]] 1 Blue Diglossa.
[[in margin in red: "Albi?"]]
The Blue Diglossa is puzzling. Dark but dull. Certainly not adult Cy. Looks even too dull for juv. Cy. Too dark for a Coer, I think. (Even a Coer in the rain). Certainly not adult [[underline]] indigotica. [[/underline]] Could this be a [[underline]] glauca [[/underline]] ???? (If so, I will call it "Glauc".)

The Slate-throats were [[underline]] certainly nuclear! [[/underline]] And apparently [[underline]] passive nuclear! [[/underline]] Flitting about very actively and conspicuously. Probably disputing. [[underline]] Very noisy. [[/underline]] Lots of sharp "Tit" or "Tut" like Notes. Presumably SHN's. Also lots of Rattles. Apparently accelerated series SHN's.

Sooty Thrushes j [[arrow pointing right]] Slate-throats at least twice. Presumed Glauc j [[arrow pointing right]] group at least once.

BYB's behavior possibly more complicated. When I first saw the bird, it was about 40 ft from the Slate-throats. The Slate-throats were moving [[underline]] fairly [[/underline]] steadily in one direction. Thus, it