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[[circled]] 11 [[/circled]]

Notes. Also lots of R's, extremely varied lengths, apparently accelerated series "Tsit" Notes. Altho this bird is quite conspicuous, it does not seem to attract anything else. 
[[margin, in red]] Albi Sitti WCC [[/margin]]
    This is area where mixed flocks with WCC and Sittis in 1962. So [[underlined]] specific [[/underlined]] range of Albi here overlaps WCC, Sitti, and Cys (which occur further down the mountain -- see comment below.)
[[margin, in purple]] III N [[/margin]]
  A little but further on, see single GT [[insertion]] green checkmark red checkmark [[/insertion]]. In trees. Apparently alone. But it had just flown downhill. And when I look up hill, at area, where it seemed to come from, I see pair of [[insertion]] 2 green checkmarks 2 red checkmarks [[/insertion]] [[underline]] Buthraupis [[/underline]]. Feeding on fruit in trees and scrub. Same species seen before, [[underline]] i.e. cucullata. [[/underline]] Now apparently alone.
[[margin]] [[red]] 13 [[/red]] [[green]] 17 [[/green]] [[/margin]]
  When I look back to GT's, I see there is a [[insertion]] green checkmark red checkmark [[/insertion]] [[underline]] pair [[/underline]] of them. GT's are [[underline]] followed [[/underline]] (after a minute or so) by [[insertion]] 2 green checkmarks 2 red checkmarks [[/insertion]] pair of [[insertion]] [[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] Yellow bellies. Yellow-bellies also coming from area where the [[underline]] Buthraupis [[/underline]] used to be! GT's there fly off. The Yellow-bellies do [[underline]] not [[/underline]] follow, at least immediately. Then Yellow-bellies fly off in [[underline]] different [[/underline]] direction.
  Leaving 11:20 am.
  On way down, see at least two more mixe4d flocks. The first only few feet below where I had been working. But I had no time to stop and look at them.
  On the way up (by horse!) at dawn, we heard a great deal of bird sound near the base of the mountain (probably ca. 8000 - 8500 ft.) Possibly the birds this altitude are breeding now. But the sounds  decreased, [[underline]] very [[/underline]] markedly, as we neared the top of the mountain. Certainly, most of the birds around 9000 ft. are [[underline]] not [[/underline]] breeding (viz also the later observations this morning.)