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[[circled]] 17 [[/circled]]
Then one or both bird(s) utter(s) variety of loud sounds in tree. [[underline]] Much [[/underline]] noisier than I have ever heard them with flocks. Then both fly off up hill. Apparently alone.
The thrushes around here seem to be disputing. Very noisy.
Single Sooty Thrush seen (again) 7:40. (Still) alone.
[[margin, in red]] Albi 19 [[/margin]] No sign of [[female symbol]] Albi where she was yesterday when [[red check mark]] she suddenly flits by 7:54. Alone and silent.
See juv. Sooty Thrush alone. Then parent appears and the two fly off together.
[[margin, in red]] 20 [[/margin]] Going on down hill. See single Agriornis-type [[red check mark]] in flight alone. Also more Oecthecas alone.
Near Dubusia region virgin forest 9100 ft.
[[margin, in red]] Albi 21 [[/margin]] Going up hill again. Then see single [[red check mark]] [[female symbol]] Albi. Feeding tubular red flowers very low obviously second growth scrub. Alone. Certainly not the same individual seen yesterday. Scrub edge high virgin forest. Very humid looking. Not at all "alpine" in appearance. (No small twisted trees, etc.). In shade.
[[margin, in green]] 26 [[/margin]] See another [[green check mark]] [[in purple]] 1 [[/in purple]] White beard 
alone. High in tree tops. Then see that there is an enormous mixed flock quite near the White beard. At first
moves very rapidly uphill. (When I first saw flock, I was at 9125 ft). Then down hill.) Group moves very fast. Very well coordinated
[[margin, in red]] Sitti Cy WCC [[/margin]] [[margin, in green]] 29 33 40 41 [[/margin]]
Includes at least the following: [[underlined]] 3 Sittis [[/underlined]] [[three green check marks]] [[in purple]] 2 [[/in purple]] (adult pair plus young one bird feeds another), [[two green check marks]] [[in purple]] 3 [[/in purple]] 1 [[male symbol]] WCC, [[green check mark]] [[in purple]] 4 [[/in purple]] 1 Cy (definite),[[two green check marks]] [[in purple]] 5 [[/in purple]] 2 [[underlined]] Anemoscopus cyanocephala [[/underlined]], [[green check mark]] [[in purple]] 6 [[/in purple]] 1 GT [[green check mark]] [[in purple]] 7 [[/in purple]], 1 PL Atlapetes [[green check mark]] [[in purple]] 8 [[/in purple]], several flycatchers [[two green check marks]] [[in purple]] 9 [[/in purple]] and several [[two green check marks]] furnariids [[in purple]] 10 [[/in purple]], at least 1 [[green check mark]] Yellow-faced Whitestart [[in purple]] 11 [[/in purple]]. (Definitely [[underscore]] no [[/underscore]] thrushes, Yellow-bellies, BYB's, Blue & Oranges, or 
Buthraupis.) [[margin, in purple]] V HO [[/in purple]] Although the flock was so rapid and well coordinated, there we