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[[circled]] 18 [[/circle]]

[[margin, in red]] Sitti 
Cy [[/margin]] [[we]]re no regular, consistent leaders. Twice the [[underline]] GT [[/underline]] was in the lead. Twice the Sittis were in the lead. Once the PL was in the lead. Once the Cy was in the lead. Once the Cnemoscopus were in lead. I.E. some of the birds were following all the time. All the others were following most of the time.
[[margin, in red]] Sitti
Cy [[/margin]] The diglossines (all 3 species) definitely tended to stick particularly close together. The small furnariids tended to stay close to the diglossines.
[[margin, in blue]] 42 [[/blue]] [[margin, in red]] Scan Albi [[/red]] [[/margin]]   At one point, a single Scan ^[[blue check, 12]] came and sat on a perch about 30 ft from nearest members of flock. Then flew away. Very Laf or Humer-like. the local Albi(s) did [[underline]] not [[/underline]] appear at all.
[[margin, in blue]] 43 [[/margin]]  Altho I never saw a Dubusia, I am [[underline]] sure [[/underline]], from sounds that it was following flock. Definitely to the rear.
   All the observed birds, [[underline]] except [[/underline]] the GT, stayed high in trees, 20-30 ft above ground during the whole period of observation. This is area of what looks like natural sub-tropical forest; but rather broken up by a fair number of fallen trees. The GT consistently stayed lower than the other birds. 10-20 ft above ground.
[[margin, in red]] Cy [[/margin]]   Flock as a whole [[underline]] noisy [[/underline]]. The Cy sang [[underline]] steadily [[/underline]] throughout all the time it was with flock. Song phrases with "Tsit tsit" Intro Notes. Lots of "CN"s & miscellaneous twitter by many other birds. One of the flycatchers also sang pretty steadily. [[underline]] The GT, however, was quiet. [[/underline]]
   There were no disputes between any birds at any time.
   Beginning to cloud over 9:05. I will continue up hill
[[margin, in purple]] VI N [[/purple]] [[in blue]] 45 [[/blue]] [[in red]] 23 [[/red]] [[/margin]]   9:10. See single Yellow-faced Whitestart. In top trees, 20 feet above ground. Definitely alone. Correction: It is a pair of Yellow-faced Whitestarts. Eventually they ^[[2 red checks, 2 blue checks]] fly off across road and down hill. After